Join Councilmember Huizar and some of the worlds best skate boarders as they celebrate the opening of the Diamond Supply Co. Public Skate Plaza at Hazard Park.

The new Skate Plaza will compliment the $1 million park improvements commitment by USC at Hazard Park–named after Henry T. Hazard, the 20th mayor of Los Angeles– will include a new jogging/running path; upgrades to the park gym, outdoor basketball/tennis courts and restrooms; new outdoor fitness equipment; a new toddler play area; additional security lighting and financial support for the park’s youth sports programs.

Don’t miss out on being first to skate the new park alongside some of your favorite Street League Pros and Diamond riders.

Hazard Park
2230 Norfolk St, Los Angeles, CA 90033
Thursday, July 24th, 2014

For more information, contact Councilmember Huizar’s office at (323) 526-9366.

NBC-LA: Boyle Heights Skate Park Grand Opening