Youth artist

Bianka Miranda, Cal State Dominguez Hills, Graduated from Orthopaedic Hospital Medical Magnet High School, age 18

Starting this project I had no idea what the outcome would be. Now that the project has come to an end, I see how great the banners look. I drew things that I see in my community. When I think of my community, I think of the big tree in the AAA building, the tall buildings, people of different backgrounds. I enjoyed the time with the group members and my mentor Nancy. I am glad to have been a part of the USC Light Pole Banner Project. It was an amazing experience.

Lead artist

Nancy Uyemura, Japanese American, born and raised in Los Angeles, possess a BA in Art from UCLA and MS in Education from USC. She works in different mediums to include public art in Los Angeles and in Japan. Her work is about energy and transition and her artistic process has evolved to include metaphysics and feng shui. She also writes poetry and a monthly article on art and artists.