When adversity strikes, many want to help. USC has partnered with numerous community groups and organizations surrounding both of our campuses. Volunteers are needed to assist those who are the most vulnerable. Safety is a priority, and all precautions are required (social distancing, sanitizing, hand washing, personal protective equipment, etc.). If you would like to volunteer or make a donation to these wonderful causes, consider the organizations and opportunities below:
- USC Good Neighbors Campaign
- Keck Medicine Hospital Volunteer Program
- USC Alumni Day of Service
- Weingart East Los Angeles YMCA
- YMCA of Greater Los Angeles
- VolunteerLA (City of Los Angeles)
- Donate Blood via the American Red Cross (Los Angeles)
- Los Angeles Regional Food Bank
- United Way of Greater Los Angeles
For more information regarding donations and volunteer opportunities, contact USC University Relations at universityrelations@usc.edu