Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda L. Solis along with the LA County board of Supervisors honors the Boyle Heights Beat

July 11, 2017

Boyle Heights Beat is a bilingual community newspaper produced by its youth and came into being through a partnership of the USC Annenberg School of Journalism, and La Opinión, the Spanish language daily.

Related news:

LA Times: How these high school reporters are covering Boyle Heights’ most pressing topics

NY Times: In a Los Angeles neighborhood, teenagers report the news

Pedro Rojas, co-editor and publisher; Kris Kelley, senior editor; Jacqueline Ramirez, program assistant; Xochil Ramirez, reporter; Supervisor Hilda Solis, Michelle Levander, co-editor and publisher; Alex Medina, reporter; Martha Ramirez, contributing editor; Adelmi Ysita, reporter; Rosario Bonilla, reporter; Antonio Mejias-Rentas, senior editor. (Photo by Gus Ruelas)